Project 52 – Week 11: Green

Our theme for this week is…of course…green!  It is (as I type this out) St. Patrick’s Day after all.  🙂  As is usually the case, I wait until the last minute to finish my photos but this week it was actually a good idea to wait for the inevitable green on St. Patrick’s Day.  I took my youngest on a little outing to my favorite local cupcake shop, Sweet! to try out their new “Hollypops”.   He was excitedly saying “pupcake, pupcake, pupcake” while we were in there….and all the way home because I didn’t let him dig in while in the car (mean mommy!).  If you haven’t been to Sweet! then you are REALLY missing out!  Those little cupcakes are a slice of heaven!!

Love his cake-face?  🙂

Since my oldest picked out her all-green outfit for school, I had to bring along my camera this evening during our walk and get a few shots of her too.  If you look real close you might see her new smile.  She lost her first tooth this past week.  *sniff*

Now, be sure to visit Staci’s blog and see what she has for us this week!

North Idaho Baby photographer –Staci Bailey