Loved | Windermere newborn photographer

A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from the staff at Edgefactory, a video production company here in Orlando.  The very first Edgefactory baby was about to be born (in fact they were AT the hospital as they contacted me) and they wanted to give them the gift of custom newborn portraits!   I was happy to help them and thought it was such a great gift to give new parents! I could tell this little guy was already very much loved.

Meet little E.  He was 10 days  old on the day of our session.  He preferred to be all snuggled up so that’s what we did.

One for everyone at Edgefactory!  🙂  Dad was telling me that they sometimes use the same camera I use for portraits (5d Mark ii) for their video work.  Very cool!

Thank you to the Edgefactory staff and also to the L family!  It was an honor to document this special time in your lives.