Quick announcement

Just a quick note to say that I will be unavailable starting tomorrow, May 21st through May 24th and will be returning all phone calls and e-mails on Tuesday.   I will be attending An Extraordinary Workshop with the super talented Joyce Smith.  I am beyond excited to not only learn from Joyce but from the other photographers in attendance.  I look forward to returning full of inspiration and new ideas for my business.

I have yet to spend more then one night away from my little ones, so I am sure I will miss them terribly but I’m also looking forward to a few days to myself.  🙂  I’m thinking my husband will have a whole new appreciation for what my day-to-day job is like, don’t you?  😉  Luckily for him, he’s got some backup in the form of grandparents!  They are usually very good for him though, so I know he’ll be fine.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Orlando child photographer