Project 52 – Week one: Self-Portrait | Orlando family photographer

I am so excited to be participating in a photography project this year called Project 52. A group of 15 super talented photographers will be participating in the project. Each week we will have a theme that we will photograph as we see it. On Friday we will all post our photos! Below the weekly photo we will each provide a link to another photographer participating in the project and they will do the same creating a circle! This “link” will make it easy to follow each photographer participating in the project and give you a healthy dose of amazing eye candy! This project is going to be challenging….but so much FUN! I hope that you will join us this year as we take on PROJECT 52!
This first week we will be posting our theme on Sunday……Self Portrait! No photographer likes to be in FRONT of the camera….that’s why we are all BEHIND it! But, it is so important to have pictures of ourselves….if not for us, for our children and family. This week we are posting on Sunday…..but stay tuned for next week’s challenge on Friday!!! Enjoy! And thanks for coming along for the ride!!! xo

This is me.  In front of my iMac where I spend all of my time editing.

Please go visit North Idaho Baby photographer –Staci Bailey to see her take on this week’s theme!