Project 52 – Week 24: Father

Summer is here!  I am now the mother of a First Grader.  Crazy.  My son is super happy to have his big sister home all day now.  He adores her and likes to follow her around and do whatever she is doing.  They are pretty good about entertaining themselves for at least part of the day.  Sometime this week, my daughter decided it would be fun to pile all the pillows in my bedroom on the floor so they could bounce on them.  Eventually that progressed into her bringing every single pillow in the house to my bedroom!  Along comes daddy who is always ready to add to the fun and the mess of pillows soon become known as Pillow Mountain.  Pillows, a bean bag, blankets, stuffed animals and a ton of pillows were piled together under the comforter.  They went from jumping on the pillows to begging daddy to toss them onto the “mountain”.  It’s now become their favorite thing to do every evening.

So, here are some snaps of my kiddos with their daddy…playing on Pillow Mountain.  This week’s Project 52 theme is Father. 🙂  Hope everyone has a Happy Father’s Day!

Remember to follow the circle and see Suzanne’s photos for this week! Suzanne Carey Photography – Hattiesburg, MS