Project 52 – Week 15: Purple

TGIF!  I have a very busy weekend ahead getting to cuddle with a sweet one-week-old, shopping for a birthday gift for a little prince turning one and then headed out of town for a few days in ATL .  Whoo!  Soooo ready for this weekend, but for now…it’s time for another installment of Project 52.  We are at Week 15 and the theme is purple.  I discovered that there is not much purple around here.  Even as I looked around in the neighborhood, it was mostly just pink or red flowers blooming.  Hmmm…what to do?  Then I thought….hello?….The Purple Cup!  See, I have this favorite cup.  I can’t remember where I got it…perhaps Target?  I’m not sure but it’s my favorite cup.  It used to sit on my desk at work years ago and it was lost for awhile (stored in my forgotten box of office supplies from the old job) but I found it one day and it’s like old times.  LOL  It’s known here as The Purple Cup.  It’s tall and insulated and perfect for a nice tall glass of iced tea (which I drink too much of)!  If I ask where my cup is…they all know which cup I’m talkin’ about! The other day I asked my daughter to bring me a glass of water and she simply said “In your purple cup Mommy?” 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Remember to check out Staci’s blog North Idaho Baby photographer –Staci Bailey for her purple post and follow all the super talented photographers after that!